Building a More Personal Therapist Profile

Posted On March 15th, 2021

profile of person with tree

RightFit was borne out of frustration with the traditional method of finding a therapist–searching through sparse profiles on overwhelming directories and picking a therapist mostly at random with no inkling if the therapist’s style and the client’s needs would match.

This throw-a-dart-and-see-where-it-lands method is frustratingly inefficient for therapists trying to build long-term clientele, and multiple therapist mismatches can completely put clients off going to therapy altogether. So how can RightFit lessen those mismatches?

Perhaps the most important concept we talk about at RightFit is the therapeutic alliance. Studies show that the strength of the therapeutic alliance–the cooperative working relationship between client and therapist–is a major factor in the success of therapy. We believe that one of the best ways to ensure a strong therapeutic alliance is to start building that relationship well before the first therapy session with an in-depth–and more personal–therapist profile.

RightFit aims to eliminate as much of the guessing game as possible by giving therapists a space to let their personality shine. You can create a profile that not only covers the basics such as the type of clients you work with, therapy techniques you use, and insurances you take, but one that also gives potential clients a glimpse of what therapy with you will be like and who you are as a person.

Here are just some of the things you can let potential clients know about you on your RightFit profile:

Visit style
What does a good therapy session look like to me?
What we’ll do in our first official session
Why I decided to become a therapist
Cultures/Ethnicities where I understand unique needs
The last book I read
Favorite place in my city

Therapists can share as much or as little as they choose on these topics and others, but we suggest being as open as you feel comfortable in order to start building a connection with potential clients. The more clients know about you and your therapeutic style, the more empowered they will feel to reach out. And as therapists have less and less time these days, being able to attract clients who are more likely to be the right fit for you and your practice is crucial.

We encourage you to browse through the current listings on our therapist directory to see what you could create! When you’re ready to make the move to RightFit, you can sign up with a 3-month free trial here.