The 7 Therapist Archetypes

One of the most important predictors of therapy success is something called the “therapeutic alliance,” or, simply put, the relationship between therapist and client. You want to find a therapist who can talk with you about your concerns and guide you through your progress in a way that makes sense and feels right for you…. Read More

Holding Space with Someone with Shared Lived Experiences – Why it’s so Powerful

Holding Space With Someone Who Has Shared Lived Experiences

Today we have a guest post from RightFit member Crystal Hardy, an associate level professional counselor. Crystal examines the power of connecting with people who just get you. Have you ever talked with someone and thought to yourself with a sigh of relief, “Yeeessss, you get it!” If so, you had a taste of what… Read More

Building a More Personal Therapist Profile

profile of person with tree

RightFit was borne out of frustration with the traditional method of finding a therapist–searching through sparse profiles on overwhelming directories and picking a therapist mostly at random with no inkling if the therapist’s style and the client’s needs would match. This throw-a-dart-and-see-where-it-lands method is frustratingly inefficient for therapists trying to build long-term clientele, and multiple… Read More

The Importance of the Therapeutic Relationship

two men in therapy

The relationship between a therapist and a client can be one of the most significant predictors of successful therapy. So many people report feeling disappointed by their experiences in therapy because they felt the therapist didn’t get them. A therapist can have the right skills to treat a specific disorder, but if a client doesn’t… Read More